Ladybug’s Colic Adventure

While the warm winter days might be a dream for those who enjoy the beach in February, the extreme changes in temperature (80 degrees during the day/40 degrees at night) can be detrimental to horses, as these changes can lead to colic. While we do our best to ensure the horses drink enough water and … [Read More...]

Riverside, CA: Two Arabian Horses Need Homes

We received a call from a woman who has two Arabians who need homes. She is no longer able to ride due to age/health issues and is planning on moving out of state and cannot take them with her. (photos below) Fancy- 15-16 y/o Mare Fancy is an Arabian mare. She has not been ridden consistently for … [Read More...]

Immunovet EQ

Hanaeleh participated in a short trial, feeding Immunovet EQ fermented wheat germ extract (FWGE) to six of our horses for 45 days. It comes in a powder form, and was easy to add to their grain. Because it is fermented, it is much more stable than other wheat germ options, and has a longer shelf … [Read More...]