Look at Abe the Little Mule Go!

Abe is a four-year old little mule we rescued along with four wild foals last year when they were in danger of being sent to slaughter. Abe was completely unhandled by humans, and it's taken a long time to get him to trust anyone. We sent Abe to a trainer for about nine months so he could learn … [Read More...]

[URGENT] Help Save Two So Cal Stables!

So Cal Stables in Danger Two stables in Southern California are in danger of closing due to the greed and ineptitude of those who are currently running the stables. Horses across the state are being pushed out, and it is imperative that we do not allow any more of our public stables to be closed- … [Read More...]

Andromeda Gets Some Wooden Shoes!

Andromeda is a National Show Horse (Arabian and Saddlebred cross) who we rescued from a horse trader in November 2022. You can read about her rescue here. In the past 18 months since she's been at Hanaeleh, Andromeda has gone from being thin and emaciated to a bit fat and sassy! She regained her … [Read More...]