Abe the Mini-Mule’s Happy Update

We know everyone is interested in how Abe the mini-Mule is doing. He is fitting in very well at his foster home! He is staying at our former board member's house right now, where his best little girlfriend (who was rescued with him) lives.  We went over to see him while the farrier was out to … [Read More...]

Venus’s Road to Recovery: A Heartwarming Update

Venus is a very sweet Rocky Mountain Horse we rescued from a "rescue" in Summer 2018. Venus' left eye was cloudy due to several wooden splinters that had she had gotten in them while turned out in the "rescue's" rickety paddocks. No one had been checking on her so, over time, the slivers worked … [Read More...]

Riverside, CA: Two Arabian Horses Need Homes

We received a call from a woman who has two Arabians who need homes. She is no longer able to ride due to age/health issues and is planning on moving out of state and cannot take them with her. (photos below) Fancy- 15-16 y/o Mare Fancy is an Arabian mare. She has not been ridden consistently for … [Read More...]