The Sheep Get a New Haircut!

This past weekend the sheep were sheared! This is an ordeal that takes just a few minutes for each sheep, but definitely requires a skilled sheep shearer with the appropriate equipment. We are very lucky that Daryll Ruffolo comes out to shear the sheep every year, because he understands the special … [Read More...]

Abe the Orphan Mule Gets a Home!

We are so pleased to report that Abe the mule has a new home! Abe came to us last year when we rescued him and four foals from a feedlot that directly ships horses to slaughterhouses. The adult horses had already been shipped for slaughter, but the trader was hoping to get some money for the foals. … [Read More...]

Rylee’s Journey with DSLD and Recent Improvements

A few weeks ago we noticed that Rylee was having some issues and seemed to be uncomfortable and in pain. Rylee is a Peruvian Paso who we rescued in January 2023, and she came to us because she suffers from a congenital issue called Degenerative suspensory ligament desmitis (DSLD), which can cause … [Read More...]