A few months ago, we rescued Tilly and Sable from a neglect situation. Their owners very much needed help, and we were thankful that we were able to take both horses.
We are very pleased to announce that Tilly is healthy and happy now, and is up for adoption!
Tilly is a 22 y/o registered Quarter horse mare. She is a dun color with a dark dorsal stripe down her back, and a beautiful mane and tail (the bottom of her tail had been cut, but it is growing back out now). We have been riding her regularly in the arena and out on trail- she is MUCH better on trail than she is in the arena.
Tilly has a lovely walk and trot, but her canter is very unbalanced and she only picks up her left lead. We were told that one of her previous owners (not the people we took her from) had tried to make her a gymkhana horse, but Tilly did not seem to enjoy running- she seems to be very content just going for a walk or trot out on the trail. She is serviceably sound but is much more comfortable as long as she is on a daily Equiiox pill- any new owner should expect to keep her on that medication.
Tilly is up-to-date on all of her vaccinations, teeth floating, and farrier care. She just had her feet done, and she is good for the farrier. She clips, ties and trailers well.
Tilly is fine for a beginner handler on the ground, but she needs an intermediate rider. She would be happier with someone who wants to go out on trail rather than someone who wants to do arena work. We’ve been taking her out on trail by herself and the more she goes out, the better she is. She has a good mind and is not spooky at all, and makes good decisions. We even used her in a sensory clinic and she seemed positively bored!
If you want to adopt in Tilly, please fill out our horse inquiry form, and we will get back to you within 24-48 hours.
NOTE: All of Hanaeleh’s horses have a $1,000 adoption fee, and we exercise a first right-of-refusal so the horse always comes back to us if things don’t work out.
- Tilly is very sweet and affectionate!
- Tilly in the sensory clinic
- Not much phased Tilly, not even the umbrella!
- Tilly is good on the ground and in the round pen/arena.
- One of our volunteers working with Tilly.
- Tilly is OK in the arena, but she prefers going out on trail.
- Tilly all saddled up!
- Tilly waiting to be tacked up.
- Tilly out on the street.