Ruby was rescued from an auction in mid-November via Auction Horses Rescue, a group I volunteer for. Ruby was destined for a feedlot on the CA/Mexico border and whatever comes after that. She’s been with me since Nov. 15. She’s put on weight, muscle and a nice glossy coat since then!
Ruby is a rather plain Jane 16h bay Thoroughbred mare with very few markings. (She shows up as a big dark blob in all my photos so far but if you’d like a picture, I can send you a couple). Because so much of her tattoo is unreadable, I’m not entirely sure of her history or registration. Per the vets who have seen her, she is “mid-teens”….based on her few markings and what I can read of her tattoo she is one of 3 (possibly 4) TB mares born between 1991 and 1998. She has definitely been raced at some point (you don’t get high ringbone on all four feet by standing around) and under saddle appears “track broke.” She’s obviously been bred, several times but is not pregnant now and is starting to look much healthier than when she showed up at auction underweight having been freshly weaned from nursing.
Ruby is rare among the Off-the-track TBs I’ve known in that she is quiet, easy going and likes to mosey rather than dash about. She’s got a nice easy trot and rolling canter and just feels very solid. She is currently learning the basics or pleasure riding under saddle now, including the installation of buttons for go, whoa and stand! LOL She just doesn’t have a clue about leg or seat cues yet but is learning quickly. She seems perfectly happy in a bitless bridle. No one ever taught this mare to stand still under saddle but now that she’s “allowed” to, she kinda likes the whole ‘hanging around’ with buddies and humans thing with no particular agenda in mind! LOL. Luckily she is learning quickly. Ruby is dog and traffic safe so far, and doesn’t seem to be bothered by much out on the streets near where I live. She is not bothered by other horses but if she sees something unfamiliar, kinda looks hard at it. She hasn’t spooked. Like most OTTBs, she stands for the farrier, likes a bath, hops in a trailer, and ponies beautifully off another horse and for the few times she’s been on trail shes been completely nonplussed by anything we’ve seen. I think she’ll make a nice husband horse eventually. She’s a bit too clueless for me to recommend her as a beginner suitable mount but she has the temperament for it.
I will keep up the training until she finds a home.
If you would like to meet Ruby, she is at my home in Sylmar. I can bring her to the SCA Clinic on the 26th in Moorpark. If you decide you like Ruby, I will cover the adoption fee for her new home. If she ends up going back to Auction Horses Rescue, the adoption fee will be about $800-1000.
Please contact Natalie: equigal_99@yahoo.com