We just got word today that Rambo (Mack K’s Rambo), a Tennessee Walking Horse we rescued in 2007 just passed away. He was only 11 days from his 30th birthday.
Rambo had been the personal horse of a woman who passed away suddenly in 2007 when her tractor flipped over on top of her, killing her immediately. She left four horses, and her brother who came in to liquidate the estate, was going to have them all put down. We were contacted by a cousin, who was distraught over the idea of this woman’s beloved animals would be killed for no apparent reason. Rambo was one of the four horses we rescued, and he was quickly adopted by our secretary at the time, Jill M.
Jill has taken care of Rambo through a move to two different states, and through various states of wellness and lameness. Rambo was definitely cared for and loved by Jill, who worked her life around his needs. Even though he was getting up in years, he was still “kicking up his heels” and enjoying life, as you can see from this picture taken only three days ago (this was stolen from Jill’s FB page):
Rambo passed away today, and we are so very sorry for Jill, and we hope she knows that we love and support her through this difficult time.
Goodbye, Rambo- we know you are now running free with Sabina and the rest of the herd who have left us behind.

Rambo in 2007 when he was first rescued.
April 27, 1985- April 16, 2015