We recently received some items from our wish list: molasses treats and some SWAT (ointment to put on cuts and scrapes), but there wasn’t any information to let us know who the kind person was who sent them! 🙁 If you sent them, please be sure to let us know!!!
We are very thankful to those people who help support Hanaeleh by purchasing items from our Chewy and Amazon wish lists- it helps us a LOT because then we don’t have to purchase those same items.
The molasses treats are exceptionally great to receive as we put the horses’ medicine in them- the horse gets a yummy treat, and we don’t have to fight them by trying to make them eat something they may not want to eat. We go through a LOT of molasses treats!
Noelle says thank you again for the donation! She tried a molasses treat, just to make sure they tasted OK!
You can see our wish lists by clicking HERE.