Pics available of all. Please contact Audrey with Saving Horses Inc. for photos and more info. Contact info below.
Inventory of (12) small ponies in need of re homing.
ALL of these ponies are very quiet and gentle. They do not bite or kick. They have never been hand fed. Can be loved on by young children. Very child safe.
Some can be used as leadline ponies for a small light child. For the most part, these ponies need a loving home as a pet or pasture mate.
Any of these ponies will be available via Saving Horses, Inc. to an approved, FOREVER home. These ponies are in a neglectful situation in Los Angeles, owned by a woman who can no longer care for them, and need to be re homed ASAP. All are in good weight, but teeth and feet will need immediate attention. I didn’t have a measure stick, heights are approximate.
Please contact me for more info: Audrey Reynolds: 619-247-7237
Photos are available of all these ponies.
DALLAS, 22 yr old Appy mare. Left eye removed several years ago. Right eye is good. Right stifle issue causes her to walk a little awkwardly behind. Mare has previously foundered, but has recovered. Feet very long, in need of care. It is difficult to trim her feet as she is unable to stand on 3 legs. Very quiet and sweet. Needs special caring home. She may not have many years ahead of her.
BABE, 20 yr old pinto mare, had fractured pelvis at 6 years of age. Does well at getting around, need space to walk. If not she will get stiff. Walks with left hind leg turned in. Possibly 13.2hh?
GOPHER 20 yr old gelding smaller at possibly 11hh? Eats 50/50 soaked pellets due to teeth issue. This pony currently has sore eyes that need medication, and he is very fly bitten. (I bought him a fly mask) Needs immediate attention. He was abused and hit in the face so is a little face shy, but sweet and loving he can be used as a leadline pony.
SCARLET 20+yrs red roan mare registered with 1/2Welsh breeding. Cannot eat hay, is eating soaked timothy pellets and senior feed. Teeth need attention. Can be ridden in snaffle although has not been ridden for 12 years. Very sweet!
GUMDROP 27 yrs old mare, Chocolate & white pinto 4 white legs. White mane & tail. Currently eats orchard and alfalfa mixed. (Teeth need attention) Could be used for leadline.
PISTOL 25 yrs gelding black & white pinto blue eyes, pink nose. Right hock was dislocated years ago, walks normally does not appear to be in pain. Will benefit from course of Legend. (Teeth need attention)
GUMDROP & PISTOL need to stay together.
RED 20 yr old red chestnut gelding. Having trouble eating hay, needs soaked pellets
Teeth need immediate attention. Very sweet. Came right up to me for love!
FROSTY. 18 yr old gelding pale palomino with white blaze. Has ulcers, needs ranitidine daily or will colic. Could do leadline.
CHAMP. 18 yrs 12.2hh? blank & white paint came from Knotts Berry Farm. Needs Ranitidine daily for ulcers or will colic. Needs feet done, no lameness issues.
BABY GIRL. 11 yrs old Grey (white) mare, dapples on behind..mare Blue eyes,
Pink rimmed eyes need protected from sun. Started under saddle, easy to handle, trailers etc.. 12.2hh-13hh?
INSPECTOR GADGET 11 yrs old gelding Overo paint, bald face, pink rimmed blue eyes, need protected from sun. Started under saddle. Georgeous!!
BLONDIE 18-20 yrs old mare. Needs ranitidine daily for ulcers or will colic. Eats timothy hay. Needs feet trimmed but needs bute for farrier visit. Pasture pet only.
Has foundered in the past.